Trauma responsive educational practices:
❶ Are grounded in the basic research on trauma and how it affects children’s brain and behavioral development.
❷ Recognize the importance of schools as a sanctuary space and that this is rooted in trusting relationships between
students and educators.
❸ Prioritize proactive behavioral supports over reactive disciplinary consequences.
❹ Recognize the necessity of knowing children’s history (and recency) of exposure to traumatic experiences.
❺ Anticipate and respond to challenging student behaviors with de-escalation.
❻ Prioritize classroom management practices that keep students exhibiting challenging behaviors in the classroom.
❼ Recognize that educators must have the institutional and professional support to engage in self-care practices that
mitigate vicarious traumatization.

Trauma responsive educators are:
❶ Present and in-the-moment with their students, focusing their attention on them.
❷ Attuned and aware of students’ non-verbal cues.
❸ Calm in their interactions with students and in the ways they respond to students'
off-task behavior.
❹ Predictable and provide structured, repeated, and consistent positive experiences for students.
❺ De-escalate children’s emotions and remain in control of their own emotions and expression.
SAMHSA. (2014). SAMHSA’s concept of trauma and guidance for a trauma-informed approach. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Walkley, M., & Cox, T. L. (2013). Building trauma-informed schools and communities. Children & Schools, 35(2), 123-126.